Ankle and foot fractures can sideline you from your job or life for 6 to 8 weeks. Dr. Campitelli is trained in the most up to date surgical procedures for fixing foot and ankle fractures which allow many patients to remain weight bearing after surgery. If you fractured your foot and have not followed up with a specialist our offices can accommodate fractures from the emergency room within one to two days.
Fractures of the toe and metatarsal bones are common and require evaluation by a specialist. A podiatric foot and ankle surgeon should be seen for proper diagnosis and treatment, even if initial treatment has been received in an emergency room.
What is a Fifth Metatarsal Fracture?
Fractures (breaks) are common in the fifth metatarsal, the long bone on the outside of the foot that connects to the little toe. This fracture is also referred to as a Jones fracture and has a high tendency to not heal if left untreated. Dr. Campitelli is trained in a minimally invasive technique to repair a Jones fracture with as single screw made through a tiny incision requiring only a band aid post operatively. This technique for fixing a Jones fracture allows the patient to remain weight bearing after surgery instead using crutches for 6 weeks.
Signs and Symptoms include:
The Lisfranc joint is the point at which the metatarsal bones (long bones that lead up to the toes) and the tarsal bones (bones in the arch) connect Injuries to the Lisfranc joint most commonly occur in automobile accident victims, military personnel, runners, horseback riders, football players, and participants of other contact sports. Signs and Symptoms may include: |