New Treatment for Plantar Fasciitis Being Studied offered by Dr. Campitelli.

The following article discusses a new treatment option that has currently completed Phase 2 trials demonstrating favorable results for patients not responding to traditional conservative treatment.
Dr. Campitelli offers this new treatment option that is available for the treatment of chronic plantar fasciiits which is a simple in-office injection of a human amniotic tissue. The treatment is currently not covered by insurance companies and will cost the patient approximately $400-$500 out of pocket. After receiving the injection, the patient wears a protective walking boot for 3 weeks.
Call the office at 330-936-3231 for more information if you are interested in being treated as a patient with Amniofix.
If you suffer from Plantar Fasciitis, you know pain. It is the most common cause of heel pain.
The Mayo Clinic describes it as a “stabbing pain that usually occurs with your first steps in the morning. As you get up and move more, the pain normally decreases, but it might return after long periods of standing or after rising from sitting.”
Traditional treatments for plantar fasciitis include six 6 weeks of consistent and daily icing, rest, stretching, activity and shoe modifications, night splints, and NSAID use. Other treatments include platelet-rich plasma injection (PRP), steroid injections and extracorporeal shock wave therapy.
Now comes word of a new injection treatment that is showing promising results in an FDA study.
Mimedx announced its AminoFix injection for treatment of planter-fasciitis demonstrates highly significant positive results in a Phase 2B study. Each subject received one injection and was followed for safety and efficacy for a year
MiMedx is a biopharmaceutical company headquartered in Marietta, Georgia that is developing and marketing regenerative biologics utilizing human placental tissue allografts with patent-protected processes for multiple sectors of healthcare.
AmnioFix® is a composite amniotic tissue membrane minimally manipulated to protect the collagen matrix and its natural properties. The company says that AmnioFix® reduces scar tissue formation, modulates inflammation in the surgical site, enhances healing, and acts as a barrier.
“Our Phase 2 results for plantar fasciitis are very exciting as they demonstrated a rapid and sustained response within a patient population that had not responded to previous conservative treatments. AmnioFix Injectable provides a unique combination of benefits that other therapeutic agents to date have not demonstrated for pain reduction and improvement in foot function,” said Don Fetterolf, Chief Medical Officer, MiMedx.
Plantar Fasciitis tends to impact people who are middle-aged or older, have either high arches or flat feet, are overweight (or have suddenly gained a lot of weight) and have tight Achilles tendons or tight calf muscles.